]Rolf: "Run like well-worn stockings, Wilfred! ]Edd: [on a new tack] "Perhaps we should talk about you and Ed's immature behavior. Ed taps Eddy on the back with his foot.] There is a kiddie pool set up with a toy boat gently rocking in it. Rolf seems to have been mowing the lawn before suddenly stopping for some unknown reason. They fall everywhere, including on Nazz and Kevin. See me?!?" ]Sarah: "You've gotta get up, Jimmy! "Ooh! Sarah runs off without him, but Jimmy musters his courage and follows. Was that you? ]Eddy: "More bricks, Double D! One"Sarah and Jimmy: "twothree! The sow has ruptured! If you are looking for . The trailer shown building up to the premiere showed the Eds all putting on some sort of rings (used in many European EEnE ads) while it shows some of the scenes of the movie, including Eddy's Brother's car (with Kevin hanging onto the window of the car) crashing out of Eddy's House, the Eds sailing a boat, and Sarah with a cardboard camera. Whaddya think they did this time, Jimmy? The factory awakens, grumbling into life. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: [leaning towards his sidekick] "They did, didn't they?" Jonny! Ed Edd n Eddy's The Big Picture Show 2 part 3 - DeviantArt I should have never let you leave the cul-de-sac! Stream Ed, Edd n Eddy on HBO Max. [He grabs the provided hammer and breaks the case.] "Lee: "Heh. That I'm here to impress your brother?" "Be free, dear friends!" Rolf, meanwhile, lets out a piercing whistle, and his pig gallops up. ", A screenshot of Ed and Eddy laughing at the word "sextant" was used for the image of the "Inside Joke" card in the. Ed has just burst out of the house. [throws her sisters in the air] "Move it! "Gum? "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "It's the end of the movie? Remember me? He finishes up and places a label on the trunk reading "Out of Order. [Eddy joins in. "Sarah: "Golly gee whilikers, thanks Lee! From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing! "[The car twists onto the road and slams into a hydrant before turning and running into a garage. Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. This-a-way, guys!" Once he absorbs this, he runs to catch up to them. ]Edd: [on the edge] "Is that what you think? There's a creaking and some noises outside. The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. [sinister] "And cry." "Eddy: [panicked] "Don't just stand there! ]Edd: [gasping] "Private property? ]Eddy: [lifting the cleaver] "It's a gag, see? Touched by Eddy's confession and eventual apology, the children forgive the Eds and accept them as their friends. "[Eddy looks out the window and spots Kevin. The door creaks open a little more, and we see the kids, straining to get into the room. Bad! [He tosses it away. Kevin then invites the Eds to his house for Jawbreakers. "May: "Baby's mine! In "Scrambled Ed", Ed, Eddy, Sarah, Jimmy, and Kevin are fighting over the (sleeping) Double D. Jimmy and Sarah want to play doctor with him. "Eddy: "Hit him with something, Ed! Edd then breaks the Fourth Wall by stating that it only took "130 episodes, 4 specials, and a movie". Uncle!" ]Marie: "It's made of wood, ain't it? Eddy | Ed, Edd n Eddy | Fandom [2] As the show's creator Danny Antonucci and a.k.a. ]Ed: "They got me, guys!" Marie then rushes with the door that Ed broke and puts it back into place. All for nothin! SHOOKEE! After the events of "The Ed, Edd n Eddy big picture show" the Ed boys have finally been accepted by the other kids in the cul de sac. "Jimmy: Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jimmy, Nazz, Sarah, Kevin, & Rolf: [As the kids sing the song, Wilfred eats out of Captain Melonhead's downed helmet. ]Edd: "Um, excuse me. While he attempts to repair the bike, Kevin tells Nazz they need to determine where the Eds are going and take the shortest route to that location since there is no possible chance that the Eds would dare return to Peach Creek after what they did. Edd is about to say something when he sees that they are approaching the playground. After a good scam goes really bad, Ed, Edd and Eddy have no other choice but to hightail it from the cul-de-sac. Kevin rides his bike past the school. Kevin sticks his head in. Ed had a moment of intelligence and removed a loose screw. [He places his hand on her arm. "[15] In November 2019, Hayden Adams from UWIRE placed Big Picture Show atop a list of "best kids' TV show endings". Something big happened because everyone's angry, chasing after them to give them their just desserts!" In the lane, a familiar red hedge rises. Wait! Edd looks behind him and sees a worried Ed. Edd failed. I've got nothing to go on!" He then lies against it, using the dirt as a blanket. "AAAAHHHH!!! "[Lee's sisters have to hold her back to keep her from attacking Eddy's brother. ]Jimmy: [after a moment of contemplation] "I hope Kevin knocks Eddy's teeth out!" "Eddy's Brother: "Do Mom and Dad know you're here? Edd approaches the gap. "Eddy: "That's why we came all the wayUncle! It looks peaceful and quiet. ]Eddy: [throwing Ed off] "GET OFF!" ]Ed: "I will eat you now! ", [Marie, disguised as Eddy, rounds a corner and ducks behind a tree stump to where her sisters are. "Eddy: [snapping] FINE! Ed stands up and steps out of the hole. "[Wilfred leads them down the road. "The Gourd: Beginnings"'Idea by Captain Eddy Synopsis: Taking place six months after the Big Picture Show, the Eds and . Below is a List of Fanfic Stubs by the fans of Ed, Edd n Eddy. ]Edd: "The window! ]Ed: [eyes rolled back in his skull] "If looks could kill, I'd be dead. Edd joins them. Rolf is following a trail of footprints; one foot was in a shoe, while the other was bare. ", [Ed's head slams into the door to the factory before finally breaking through. This trailer was later used for Southeast Asia, which aired there on June 13. You're so neeve. "[Wilfred pops out of the ground and heads towards Rolf, squealing. Undoing the latch on the door, they managed to open it just enough for . In this story, you're 17+ , and for Eddy's brother, you're 23. ]Eddy: "Super sweet! [He begins to search for his sidekick.] I forgot my big bro hates back doors. "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." The movie premiered in the UK on July 17, 2010 on Cartoon Network Too at 9am and later again at 5pm in the "Meathead Movies and Specials Weekend"; it also aired the next day at 12pm. Lay off him, man! He grabs the vacuum cleaner and affects a falsetto. Save yourself" [He crumples to the ground. On his ID, his school picture from. A long-shot view of the cul-de-sac is seen. I just made things up so people would like me. ]Kevin: "Gah! "Eddy: "Yeah, right. "[Kevin looks back towards their campsite. "Jimmy: [worried] "I'm fine, really, I am! "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. [Ed crawls from the swamp.] He grabs his sidekick and takes off. A classic. Come, Wilfred! Kevin runs after them, carrying a metal pipe. Lothar briefly reappears in Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, when Ed was zapped with the electric gum. "Eddy: "Where? Kevin's rage causes him to go very quickly, splattering both himself and Nazz with insects, blinding him and causing them to crash into a peach orchard. To the shed! DON'T EVER! "Eddy: [trying again] "It ain't workin! Do you think he'll like it? ]Kevin: [ranting] "I can't believe it! ]Ed: [impressed] "Fancy trick, Eddy! I'm Double D!" I'll be right back. [He examines it closely. What on earth did they do? "[Kevin opens a drawer and finds a bunch of chattering teeth. Eddy locks it and begins to roll up the window. "Edd: "I think you mean naive, Eddy. Ed sobs over their damaged friendship while Eddy is initially enraged by this. Edd concludes the film and the series by putting a label that says "The End" on the screen. "Eddy: "What? ]Edd: "Mondo A-Go Go! ", When Edd mentions the series, he says "And it only took 130 episodes, 4 specials, and a movie, Eddy. It rolls up, revealing a vent. [sinister] "I bet he wants a date." She smiles to herself sinisterly before turning around, a more sincere smile on her face. [1] Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it along with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. They set off to find Eddy's brother while the other kid. We are three no more, Eddy! [She holds her arms out for a hug. "Oh dear. "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? "Kevin: "Nazz! After Ed and Eddy hear the word "Sextant" escape from Edd's mouth, Eddy snickers and pretends not to hear what Edd had just said and asks Edd to repeat himself, and Edd does so, now prompting Ed to giggle. When the camera pans back to her, the bandana reappears. Ed seemingly apologizes, offering Edd a prank can of jelly beans, loaded with a thousand spring-loaded snakes, which launch out of the factory (taking Edd with them) and shower down across the countryside. 'Cause I ain't laughin. I had read somewhere online the good point that in "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show" the Wizard of Oz reference foreshadowed the movie's climax, when Edd reveals he has courage by standing up for Eddy; Ed removes the door hinge, causing Eddy's brother's defeat and thus revealing Ed does have brains; and Eddy says he talked his . He puts Plank on a melon-shaped chair and spins it before going to another one, sitting on it, and spinning it as well. "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. Where'd you learn to do that? The movie first aired in Scandinavia on May 31, 2009, then in Australia on June 5, 2009, Southeast Asia on June 13, 2009, Italy on July 24, 2009, Latin America on September 27, 2009, Spain on November 6, 2009, the United States on November 8, 2009, in Poland on December 30, 2009, in the United Kingdom on July 17 and July 18, 2010, in France in August 1, 2010, and finally in United Arab Emirates on August 19, 2012. "[A gear wheel clatters to the floor and rolls out from a gap between two machines. "Stop! ]Ed: "Uh-uh, Eddy, no autograph, no comic book. "Ed, you idiot!" I missed that. Lay low, and follow Rolf's posterior. ]Eddy: "Double D! Kevin then invites everyone over for jawbreakers and they return home together while the Kankers drag Eddy's brother into his trailer. Mar 15, 2022. [He gallops around, looking for it.] Ed, Edd, and Eddy's newest scam goes awry, injuring several of the neighborhood kids and angering them in the process. Rolf brings up the rear, having managed to rejoin the chase. I have a good figure. "Psst! Teach em a lesson, May!" "This can't be happening. "Eddy: "My big bro showed me! My candied apple, Sarah. What scares Rolf is not the udder, but the drawing on ita mustached Eddy with "I Bro" on his shirt. ]Eddy: "DON'T HURT ME!" "Eddy: [offscreen] "Bro no! "The Ed-boys shall riddle Rolf's rind no more! "Eddy's Brother: [sarcastically surprised] "Give it up? "Edd: [shocked] "May? Help me! These are parodies of the trio of boys with the same name, Ed, Edd, n Eddy. ]Edd: "Ed! "Ed: "Oh boy oh boy, I forget what we're doing! Back in the Cul-de-Sac, Jonny and Plank are getting nowhere in their search for the Eds. ]Eddy: "He's a maniac, I tell ya! "Quickly, take hold of that"[The rope lands on top of the sand. A secret door opens in front of him on the branch he is balanced on. ]Eddy: "Hey Sockhead, quit turning everything into your bedroom! ]Eddy: "What's that stupid thing? "'Cause I got like a million things to do! I almost had em! [helping Edd up] "Don't answer that. ]Jimmy: "Party at Kevin's, yay! "The Eds did something really bad! rogelis. Eddy's brother (Terry Klassen, Dragon Ball Z) is revealed to be a vicious bully, and after's . Find me an omelette, Ed! [Eddy climbs the steps to the trailer. [from a telephone pole] "BRO! All because of our misguided chicanery! When they hit, all the water is splashed upwards, and a bunch of buried treasure is revealed. Rolf, dazed by the blow, staggers around in the middle of the road. ", Edd's statement is partially correct. ]Nazz: "Fine. "May: "Aw, he's squirming! "NAH-SHIZ-LOW!!! ]Eddy's Brother: "Uuuuhhhh.unnnccclllleeee." "Ed: [scared] "Too high guys! Kevin immediately realizes that the Eds are responsible for the rain of snakes. "Edd: "Stand clear, gentlemen! ]Edd: "An appropriate place as any, I suppose. Alien spaceships are attacking!" Probably getting back at me. Meanwhile, the Eds are waking up hungry, the obvious reason being that they didn't have enough time to pack any food before being run off from the Cul-de-Sac. Nazz then angrily slaps Kevin and wanders off to build a fire. "[Ed runs faster and faster, spinning the wheel at incredible speed. Ed, Edd n Eddy: HBO Max Is Missing the Holiday Specials and the Movie - CBR Like up, up, but no away! ]Eddy: [exhausted] "Bro! "Eddy: "Just keep your eyes peeled, chuckles. [He tosses it in the sand.] ]Ed: "Look, guys! Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 9 It's Way Ed / Laugh Ed Laugh. ]The Eds: "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! The AKA Cartoon logo is displayed with a melon rind in the background. He heaves himself up onto it. [holding up Ed's comic book] "This publication was printed over ten years ago! "[The Eds look up with a start. "Edd and Eddy: "Ed! "Good lord! Sorry! Reply . He then rushes into the bathroom and tears down the drywall to reveal his sponge collection. Seeing his bike about to topple, he panics. Ed then grabs at the door and continues to run. Something big! ]Eddy's Brother: "All for nothin, huh?" The Eds reach Peach Creek Estates and blast through it, on the way wrecking some of the incomplete structures. "[As he storms off, Eddy's eyes fill with tears. Ed uses one of his decade-old comic books to suggest visiting the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. "Ed: "No home should be without one, Eddy! Say, you got one of those hairpin things? Everything I said about my brother was a lie. Ed sticks his head out of the armhole. "Eddy: "Bro! How did it go so wrong? "You heard my pal, Ed." Edd returned the hug and they continued on with their journey. They clamber on and ride out of the sunflower patch. "[Up ahead is a gigantic swarm of flies. "Ed: [wearing a pair of gag glasses] "Looks gaggy to me, Eddy. They pass by a mountain of trash. Nazz is gone and the fire has been extinguished. He bounces off, back to his brother, and the torture is repeated. 3. [8] The character was voiced by Terry Klassen, who also served as the voice director for Big Picture Show. Best; Recent; Send. ]Ed: "Land ho!" He trips over a piece of machinery and flies into a lawn chair. ]Nazz: "Dude! "Ed: "How do we find it, Double D? What's that? Are you aware of the consequences we're about to endure? "Rolf: "Could this be true? Help me! An abandoned basketball is seen next to a game of hopscotch. Save yourselves!" Bad! [He halts Wilfred and throws down a bucket.] Ed throws Eddy at Edd to dislodge him. [His belt gives way, and he plunges to the ground.]
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