Who Were the Worst Generals in History? Others were experienced military men who should have known better than to take the risks they took - or not take the risks they should have. Hull had served with distinction in the Revolutionary War and was appointed governor of the Michigan Territory in 1805. LBJ's tragic "addiction" to Vietnam: The mistake that still - Salon They care about the one. Westmoreland didnt get it. He called for bombing China, as if liberating Korea was worth risking 550 million Chinese and possibly war with Russia as well. Pillow escaped during the night, leaving Simon B. Buckner to surrender the fort and 15,000 Confederate troops. In other words, this book is a "how-not-to" guide to leadership. Nor is being a bad battlefield commander, by itself, sufficient to make the cut. Hulls nerve was shattered. As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he theoretically had some influence there, at least to the extent he could shape the collective viewpoint, but even then LBJ and McNamara were famously impervious to advice from the Joint Chiefs. Of course, that is what they did when Ludendorff pushed for the use of unrestricted submarine warfare against Allied shipping. Darius again was the first to flee the battle, abandoning all of his soldiers and his property to be taken by Alexander. What was the worst battle of Vietnam? Others would say that it is not victory, but success in fulfilling a mission that counts. By signing up, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and to occasionally receive special offers from Foreign Policy. Top 10 Worst World Leaders - Wonderslist How does an admiral make a list of the worst generals? A Texan with the U.S. Army's 1 st Infantry Division, Nolan reportedly slipped away from his basecamp in Tay Ninh Province on Nov. 22, 1967 and turned himself over to the Viet Cong. MilitaryHistoryOnline.com So what is the standard of shame for induction? What can we glean from the current state of play on the battlefield? He worked under Adolf Hitler's Third Reich as a leading general and gained fame from his battles in North Africa. By December 1864 Paraguay was at war with Brazil, and, when Argentina denied a request for the transit of a Paraguayan army across its territory, Lpez declared war on that country as well. In 1975, when the Vietnam War ended, the Vietnamese army had only 36 generals, but by 2018, peace-time Vietnam had 415 military officers holding general ranks. The Top-10 Most Evil Leaders of the 20th Century - LinkedIn General William Westmoreland. As a military commander, Napoleon may have thebest batting averageof all time. Saul David reviews a surprising study of military failure and names his own five most infamous generals Saul David Thursday February 17 2022, 12.00am , The Times The Texans only suffered 2 casualties, as opposed to hundreds of Mexican casualties. In 1941, Graziani resigned his commission after the British counterattacked and the Tenth Army was completely defeated during Operation Compass. Argentina, Brazil, and the Brazilian puppet government in Uruguay formed an alliance, and on May 1, 1865, they declared war on Paraguay. Whatever its military wisdom or lack thereof, it was a decision that should not have been made by generals under the American political system. Top 10 Most Underrated Military Generals. But the argument is unbalanced. Driven into exile in 1845, he contacted U.S. Pres. Contrarily, I would not so stigmatize another important player often criticized by others, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. You worked for GEN Westmoreland when he was Army Chief of Staff. The South Vietnamese thus went for years equipped with castoff WWII-vintage U.S. equipment while outgunned by the communists, who were armed with the AK-47 assault rifle and other top of the line equipment. And the number one reason why Westmoreland lost the war in Vietnam: With his unavailing approach to conduct of the war he squandered four years of support by much of the American people, the Congress, and even the media. The war soon ended in a Russian defeat, with hundreds of thousands of military and civilian casualties. Abraham Lincoln. While this century witnessed many great leaders, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dr. Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi . As for the British, they had lost the most valuable jewel of the Imperial crown. Ukraines economy and infrastructure have been dealt blows that will take decades to recover from. Washington also suffered his share of defeats. Thus, almost by default, Westmoreland was left to go his own way, year after bloody year. Maximus managed to form up his men but to no avail. Ultimately, he was denied his final showdown with the Allies by German political leaders who realized that the Americans could produce soldiers faster than Germany could produce bullets. Again fighting outnumbered Texans, this time Santa Anna would lose the battle stunningly. Approaching his 60th birthday and exhibiting a timidity that had no place in a general about to lead an invasion, Hull also had the misfortune of facing two of the most gifted commanders ever to operate in North America. Hull responded by ordering the evacuation of Fort Dearborn, and the garrison was promptly massacred by a Potawatomi war band upon leaving the fort. Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War. Westmorelands general mistake: severely underestimating the Communists. A common view holds that 138,708 Allied personnel surrendered or were killed by fewer than 30,000 Japanese. His work as an observer during the Crimean War gave him insight into the importance of logistics for an industrialized army, and years spent as the chief of engineering for the Illinois Central Railroad made him aware of the transformative nature of rail transport. Jessica Chen Weiss, formerly a senior advisor for policy planning at the State Department under the Biden administration, makes the case that the United States is becoming consumed by competition with China, a strategy that could lead to dangerous conflict. A key plank in the Democratic platform that year was, appropriately, not fighting, and McClellan lost in a rout. If it couldn't or wouldn't govern the country, who would? When all is said and done, it doesnt matter how nice, brave, courageous, gutsy, loyal, or brilliant commanders theyve been. What will another year of war look like? Despite Lincoln's pleas for aggressive action, his Army of the Potomac moved hesitantly, its commander McClellan convinced himself that the Southern armies vastly outnumbered him when logic should have told him that it was the North that enjoyed an abundance of resources. Marcus Licinius Crassus was a self-aggrandizing opportunist who started a pointless war with the Parthians, and Publius Quinctilius Varus lost three legions at Teutoburg Forest, but Proconsul Quintus Servilius Caepio manages to top them both with his actions at the Battle of Arausio. And how might that be impacting the world? 6. The American Civil War was a factory for producing bad generals such as Braxton Bragg and Ambrose Burnside. Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam, Chinas Censors Are Afraid of What Chatbots Might Say, The U.S. Unfortunately the fates of the former Republic Vietnam (Sout. McClellan truly disappointed president Lincoln at the Battle of Antietam where the North and South would fight the bloodiest battle of the war. To say that he failed in both regards is to dramatically understate the case. During the darkest days of the rebellion, when Washington's army had been kicked out of New York and King George's star seemed ascendant, the "Conway cabal" of disgruntled officers and politicians unsuccessfully schemed to out Washington and appoint Gates. Some staff officers who briefed him one-on-one at deskside were dismayed when Westmoreland occupied himself by signing photographs of himself, one after another, during their presentations. [i] However, the list is subjective, and open to debate, as top 10 lists tend to be. But the worst of all was McClellan, the so-called "Young Napoleon" from whom Lincoln. Feel free to mention any others you may know of in the comments. A more minor case, but one revealing of Westmorelands character, stemmed from his unwillingness to level with his senior Marine subordinate at the time of the 1968 Tet Offensive. Russias war is receiving critical assistance from authoritarian regimes around the world. In the summer of 1967, the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) initiated a series of attacks in western Kontum Province. Considering some militants as instruments of regional influence while fighting others has had disastrous consequences. It's not the first time that someone thought he was smarter than his boss. Fortunately, along came Reaganif not for that, Westmorelands military reversals could well have signaled the beginning of our end. Hull, convinced that he was hopelessly outnumbered (he wasnt), surrendered Fort Detroit and its 2,000-man garrison without firing a shot. America, the Middle East and the rest of the world are still reaping the consequences of those omissions. As military professionals, we should think about more . It wouldn't take a large force to slice through the ramshackle Iraqi army and topple Saddam Hussein, but securing a country the size of Iraq required a larger force. Born in 1901 in Quang Binh Province (part of North Vietnam), Diem was the son of a well-educated mandarin (Vietnamese civil servant who took part in running the country) who served as the Minister of Rites and Grand Chamberlain to Emperor Thanh-Thai (1889-1907). Battle of Dak To in the Vietnam War - ThoughtCo On March 24, 1976, Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1 st Viscount of Alamein, hero of World War II, died at home in England. Quintus Servilius Caepio takes the cake amongst the worst Roman generals ever to take command of a legion though. Top 10 Traitors In US History - Listverse Instead of sweeping around the French defenses in a massive flanking movement, the Germans were checked at the First Battle of the Marne. Essential analysis of the stories shaping geopolitics on the continent. Still, it is his world-changing defeat at Yorktown that merits memorializing. On the night of August 15, 1812, Tecumseh led his forces across the Detroit River, and Brock followed the next morning. Frederick C. Weyand was a U.S. Army General who was the last commander of American military operations in the Vietnam War from 1972 to 1973. The Worst Military Leaders in History review from Ancient Rome to Vietnam Then, in an ill-advised comeback, he met his Waterloo. Elmo Zumwalt was a U.S. admiral and commander of American naval forces in Vietnam. Read More. The deplorable conduct of Charles Lee at the Battle of Monmouth has been immortalized by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Benedict Arnolds name is synonymous with traitorous behavior. These battlefield bumblers serve to provide that contrast. Opportunistic firms in Asia and Europe have already begun to relocate investments to the United States. This strategy inevitably failed as the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong maintained control over how the war was fought which was through guerilla warfare. Because he never wanted to face a superior force, he refused to fight. Ludendorff is one of historys greatest examples of a general who can win battles but still loses the war. After only 10 weeks into the Pacific War, Percival became responsible for the largest surrender of British-led forces in history. FPs Ravi Agrawal spoke with two of the very best Russia experts:Angela Stent, a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author ofPutins World: Russia Against the West and With the Rest, and Michael Kofman, the research program director of the Russia studies program at the Center for Naval Analyses. As Lincoln well knew, the only way the Union could lose the war was if the North eventually grew tired and agreed to allow the South to secede. And he was able to inflict massive casualties on the enemy. James Jay Carafano is a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges. When the French deposed Benito Jurez and installed Maximilian as emperor of Mexico, Santa Anna, now 70, reached out to the U.S. for support in deposing the emperor. Although he outnumbered Magruders Army of the Peninsula 10-to-1, McClellan settled in for a monthlong siege. Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. Wrote Kevin Buckley in a scathing review, From the beginning Westmoreland probably expected to write a memoir of victory similar to Crusade in Europeand the defeat in Vietnam has not deterred him from this.. Gamelin was commander of the French forces in World War II and is largely responsible for the fall of France into German control during the Battle of France. Military historian Russell Weigley rendered a succinct judgment on LBJ: No capable war President would have allowed an officer of such limited capacities as General William C. Westmoreland to head Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, for so long.. This was the most fearsome army in the Vietnam War Who are the famous national heroes or generals in Vietnam? This is, obviously, a problematic quality when ones title is general-in-chief of the entire Union army. The curation of this content is at the discretion of the author, and not necessarily reflective of the views of Encyclopaedia Britannica or its editorial staff. The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike. Instead the enemy proved willing to absorb horrifying losses and keep fighting. Panama (1989) 2. Having several decades of duplicity to draw on at this point, everyone had a pretty good idea of how any such deal would turn out, and the aging general was rebuffed by both parties. This is one of the more controversial ones, but Douglas MacArthur is incredibly overrated in the annals of the US military, in my . Who was the worst US general during the Vietnam War? Delivered Friday. 15. 5. It is probably not a coincidence that corruption in the military appears to have escalated since 2006, when the number of military generals started to jump sharply. One-stop digest of politics, economics, and culture. The enemy did not lose heart, did not cease aggression. Vietnam War U.S. Military Fatal Casualty Statistics Best Defense: But Gates could have doomed the American Revolution. To counter these, Major General William R. Peers commenced Operation Greeley using elements of the 4th Infantry Division and the 173rd Airborne Brigade. But Franks, who commanded the invasion, made a bad situation worse. After making a laughingstock of himself by ordering his men to entrench on the wrong side of fortifications at Camargo, Pillow bungled his role at the Battle of Cerro Gordo, making himself the low point of a resounding American victory. NEW FOR SUBSCRIBERS: British Gen. Isaac Brock possessed a remarkable ability to anticipate his opponents moves and reactions, and it was not long before he had taken full measure of Hull. Is Weiss correct? Instead he simply sent more and more replacements to make up his losses. Vietnam War. Lebanon (1982-1984) 240. Is your subtitle The General Who Lost Vietnam fair? Lpez was the son of Carlos Antonio Lpez, a dictator who had done much to modernize Paraguay in the mid-19th century. 13,091. Think about how history would have been different if Hannibal had a military plan to outlast Roman might. He was indeed a capable warrior, as shown by the South Pacific campaign and the Inchon landing in Korea. Westmorelands own book about himself gives some indication of how he would react to this more recent one. What can we glean from the current state of play on the battlefield? At this point, things somehow got worse for Hull. He was an artilleryman who missed out on the Army's great schools system, never attending the Command & General Staff College or the Army War College. Westmoreland held a press conference in which he categorically denied any such loss of confidence. By Lewis Sorley Best Defense Saigon bureau chief. Westmoreland was on a treadmill. When major U.S. ground force deployments were under consideration in July 1965, for example, LBJ worried that North Vietnam would respond by pouring in more men of its own. Varus was stationed with three of his legions, the 17th, 18th and 19th when news arrived of a revolt growing in the Rhine area. Simultaneously, he contacted Maximilian to offer the young emperor his services. Sure, he won big at the Alamo. However, not even they managed to get themselves court-martialed and sentenced to death for ineptitude on the battlefield. Consul Gnaeus Mallius Maximus was Caepios superior officer, but Caepio refused to obey Maximus or even put his forces into a shared camp with him. Although he eventually disavowed Hitler, by that point Ludendorff had become so deeply involved with mysticism that few took him seriously. When he made public his disagreements with President Truman, Truman rightfully fired him. Jacob Zuma is a cherry on the top of the world's worst leader cake. You may opt out at any time. Francisco Solano Lpez managed to stumble into a war with pretty much all of that. Following on from our list of the greatest and most successful military commanders, we are presenting this list of the worst. Scott claimed that Pillow was ''the only person I have ever known who was wholly indifferent in the choice between truth and falsehood. When talk of secession reached Pillows home state of Tennessee, he helped organize the state militia and was appointed a brigadier general in the Confederate army. Somalia (1992-1994) 2. He was called the "inevitable general." A West Point graduate, he served in World War II and Korea. But his persistence and inspiration kept the Continental Army in the field through the worst of times, which is why his face is on the one-dollar bill. On the other side of the trenches in World War I was Erich Ludendorff, commanding the armies of Germany. Santa Anna was found wearing a privates uniform, hiding in a marsh. Hannibal. Caepio was born into a noble family and became consul in 106 BC. Sun Wu Sun Zi, or Sun Tzu, was a prominent military general during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) who is always regarded as one of the greatest military strategists in China and even the World. Download the FP mobile app to read anytime, anywhere. Hundreds of thousands died of disease. For many soldiers, a major tipping point happened when Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in 1968, news of which reaches the soldiers in Da 5 Bloods during one particularly stirring scene . But then MacArthur thrived on controversy like bread thrives on yeast. But its not just the United States. Turncoats and Traitors - Seven Americans Who Defected to the Enemy in After occupying Jerusalem and crucifying 2,000 Jewish rebels in Judaea, Varus went off to govern Germania and tame barbarian tribes. Some captured Romans were placed in wicker cages and burned alive, others were enslaved or ransomed. Varus placed his legions in a position where their fighting strengths would be minimized and that of the Germanic Cherusci tribesman maximized. Vietnam Communist Party Nominates Vo Van Thuong as New President - Sources Vietnam War body count controversy - Wikipedia 3. Lpez, possibly in a fit of madness, ordered the execution of hundreds of people, including some of his own family members. 10. At the height of the Cold War, he dealt decisively with neither. But with that kind of advantage in troops and firepower, who wouldnt? He graduated second in his class at West Point (well ahead of classmates Stonewall Jackson, George H. Gordon, and George Pickett). In All U.S. Military History, These Are the 5 Worst Generals On the other hand, there was that bad day at the Battle of Salamis when most of the Persian fleet went to the bottom. up as tough on Beijing, even seeking to contain the rise of the worlds second-biggest economy. Alas, as a historian, he passed on the opportunity to answer Battlelands questions about what Vietnam should teach us about Afghanistan, and who, if anyone, is todays Westmoreland, during our email chat earlier this week: Whats the most important thing you learned writing Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam? He underestimated the enemys staying power, maintaining that if he could inflict enough casualties the communists would lose heart and cease their aggression against South Vietnam. There is now little doubt that Putin failed in his initial goals: Kyiv is still Show morestanding, Ukrainians are determined to keep fighting, and the West has so far stayed resolute in its support of Ukraine. (You May Also Like: The Five Best Generals in U.S. History). Grachev played a key role in initiating and leading the First Chechen War. The Roman Empire has a long, proud tradition of producing some of the finest generals in human history- and just as many of the worst. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consult individual encyclopedia entries about the topics. The 20 Worst World War II Generals - Ranker
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